Thursday, September 2, 2010

What a week

Well we found out this week Emma Lin is going to need surgery on her tear duct! We got a second opinion and this doc said the same thing as our first. So she is scheduled to go in next Friday the 10th. My biggest fear is this is going to set back some of our bonding. I feel as though Emma trusts us 100% and I really hope that this surgery does not change that. The doc said we can stay with her up till she goes into pre op. Then we have to leave. This is going to be very traumatic for her. She does not like being without me, ryan, my mom or my sister. I hope she won't think we are leaving her and the nurses and doc are taking her. I really wish this surgery could wait, but the doc said success rate goes down as they get older and its could get more involved procedure. She also had to get blood work done again this week. Boy that was really ruff on both of us. Being held down with strangers holding her arms was super traumatic for her and she was not her self the whole day. I feel so bad for her. I can't wait till she can understand no one is going to take her away from us. All this happen this week just when I went back to work. I don't like being away from her. So happy Monday is a holiday.

Me and Ryan are gong to take her to the shore, she loves the beach and loves rides so hopefully she will have a great time and forget all about the bad experiences of the week. To many doc appointments for such a little girl. here are some cute pics!

1 comment:

  1. Danielle,
    Don't worry about losing ground with bonding! Sophia and my bond was only strengthened with all of her surgeries. She knew I was the one who was there for her through it all. They should give her some kind of medicine to make her relaxed before you leave her. They always did that for Sophia so the separation was not too difficult. I explained to the doctor before the surgery about how anxious I was about leaving Sophia. They told me that the medicine would make her not remember me leaving her! Emma will be fine! We are thinking about you!!!
