Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 1 Pictures


  1. I am so excited for you guys. She is just beautiful and I am so happy everything is going so well. Keep us posted!

  2. Hi Danielle and Ryan- Welcome to the Zhangshu family! Your daughter is just beautiful and she looks so happy as do you. Congratulations and enjoy every minute!
    Suzanne- mom to Sydney Hui (Fuling) and Sofia BiCao(Zhangshu)
    ps. We were invited to go to the SWI but Sofia was so sick we couldn't make the trip. If you see a sign inside or outside with the orphanage name, I would be grateful if you would take a photo for me. I would love a picture for Sofia's lifeook. Thank you!

  3. She is just adorable. Congratulations. Blessings.

  4. SO Happy for you!!
    Love, Jackie

  5. Hi Danielle and Ryan! I could cry reading your posts! I love the pictures of you both with Your Daughter! She really seems happy and I will pray that your trip continues smoothly. What's your favorite thing about her so far? Can't wait to read more posts!

  6. congratulations to you both! you all look so happy ~ Ryan the picture with emma touching your face is so sweet!! She is adorable...Enjoy your trip...~ Patty.
