Monday, June 14, 2010

Last night was a little hard to get Emma to fall asleep. We knew she was tired she was rubbing her eyes and started to cry a little. So we help her and walked the room with her. She was really crying. We could tell that she was missing home. They told us that she liked to fall asleep with a blanket in her hand and sucked on it while falling asleep. We did bring a bear blanket security blanket with us that she loved all day,but it did not do the trick for her a night. After about 30 minutes of her crying (what a tiny little cry she has) and us holding her she did finally fall asleep. This by far was the hardest part of the whole experience. It broke my heart to hear her cry and there was nothing I could do for her. She really had a hard time breathing which made me feel worse. I did my best to remain calm as to not excite her any more, but it was hard. Well we get to go visit the orphanage on Wed and we are going to ask if we can have the blanket she slept with. Hopefully they won't mind giving it to us. I already can't wait for her to get up today!! Hopefully she had happy dreams and will wake up in a good mood.

I just wanted to also thank everyone for there comments. We love reading them. Some of you know that blogger and face book is blocked here from China. So i am sending my post or my cousin Lindsay for her to post on the blogger site. So we cannot respond to the comments indivually. We get to see them because I have it sent up to notify me when there is a new comment. So keep the comments coming and thanks for any advice every little bit helps.

We are suppose to go out today around 10 with our guide for some site seeing and be back here around 12:30. We will do some venturing out on our own and maybe take Emma Lin swimming at the pool today. We really want to work on her mussel tone today. She can sit up on her own but doesn't know how to get from lying down to sitting up on her own. So i want to practice that today. Also she does not know how to bend her knees so we will work on that to. She is so tiny and cute. She is wearing 9 months cloths but i think she could fit into 6 months. We went thru 3 outfits yesterday but not because of her being messy, but because of us being messing. So we have to learn how to give her a bottle with our spilling half of it on her and feeding her with out dropping it on her to. It pretty funny! :-) :-) :-)


  1. It really sounds like you guys are doing great! Keep in mind though, Emma might be missing home or her blanket, but just might have had a rough night too. All kids go through that, especially when they're over-tired. Sometimes no matter what you do, they have trouble unwinding & need to cry for a while. It could be just that simple & nothing more. :) And I had to laugh at your feeding messes! LOL, it'll come in time. Invest in some bibs & big burp clothes.
    Good luck with working on her motor skills, it too will come in time. Some kids just need some more time. She seemed to be bundled in those huge snowsuits all the time. Maybe she just didnt have a lot of practice moving around or bending her knees much.
    Can't wait to see you all when you get home! Traci xo

  2. I hope that you are able to get her blanket. Ask for whatever you can--her finding clothes, something else she wore, whatever... And, I agree with Traci's comment--don't worry about her motor skills, just enjoy her for now. You will be shocked at how she takes off as soon as she is home and is getting lots of love and great nutrition, etc. etc. Just enjoy being together and doting on her! :)

  3. So good to see all 3 of your smiling faces! Also good to see that Phillies
    Hat - on the other side of the world.
    I was thinking with Elizabeth's group the caretakers said give them blankets but what they meant - that most of the babies were attacked too were washclothe's - the terry cloth ones - also maybe just maybe when she goes to sleep she would want a pacifier. We always ( and to this day
    play lullabys - By some baby lullabys in Chinese to go to sleep too.
    I am anxious to hear how the 2nd night goes. And again she is still wondering what is going on and when is she going back. poor baby.
    I thought she looked as though she was wearing 6 month clothes.
    It is also good to see that you have a jacket on - at least the heat is not unbearable yet. So glad to see you are having a great time! We continue to pray
    love, Jackie

  4. Just hold her and love her---let her fall asleep on your chest listening to either Mommy or Daddy's heartbeat.

    I don't know if you ever heard this poem but I thought I would tell you it now because now that you have her in your arms, you'll know EXACTLY what it means:

    "Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. NEVER forget for one single minute, not under my heart you grew, BUT IN IT!!"

    Keeping you in our heart, thoughts, and prayers!

    Patti and family!
